Thursday, June 30, 2011

Couldn't wait, had to show you these! It's always special photographing friends. I see something in them when I'm photographing that often makes me smile! It's always a little different because you can see their personality shining through. Well today, I had a little tear. These little girls just looked liked like angels! I'd say we're going to have one very worried father in the not too distant future!! And seriously, how gorgeous does Mum look???

Couldn't wait, had to show you these! It's always special photographing friends. I see something in them when I'm photographing that often makes me smile! It's always a little different because you can see their personality shining through. Well today, I had a little tear. These little girls just looked liked like angels! I'd say we're going to have one very worried father in the not too distant future!! And seriously, how gorgeous does Mum look???